There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
Luke 12:2-3. Scripture quotation taken from the Holy Bible. NIV.

Mark Anthony Sandoval
C.S.P.D. Officer (retired)
“Person of Interest.”-
Homicide of Gilbert Sandoval
M. Sandoval:
“The reason that I don’t like being in
here [C.S.P .D. Operations Center Suspect
Interview Room] is because I want, I want to say something that can ‘t be recorded.
Derek S. Exley
C.S.P.D. Detective
Investigating the homicide of
Mark Sandoval’s Father
D. Exley:
“Yeah.” [followed by a break in the recorded
police interview.]

“I have no words to deseribe how tragic and infuriating this case is!” Mike D.

“LeChiffre v. Exley has put a chill through me! The Colorado Springs Police Department NEVER should have investigated this case. Certainly not after the CBI excluded LeChiffre’s DNA from the weapon, but found the DNA of his Mother, AND Mark Sandoval!” Joyce O.

“This case illustrates that the ‘Rule of Man’ (policeMan), has replaced the ‘Rule of Law’ in Colorado Springs, and perhaps the USA.” Rebecca W.

Yes, ‘follow the money’- and LeChiffre has done that in LeChiffre v. Exley. This case was too close to the Colorado Springs Police Department. Their “duty” was first to Mark Sandoval, then to their Department… The Truth, not so much.” Vika D.

“This case. is so disturbing on so many different levels. A father dies, and the executor of the Will (Mark Sandoval) is not investigated, although he stands to inherit the estate!
A battered wife of 50 (+) years admits to killing her husband, but the police look the other way. The descendant’s mistress was allegedly shopping for a hit man, and the day after he dies, she inquires about his insurance policies Were the cops corrupt, or just incompetent?” Nancy I.