LeChiffre vs Exley Exhibits (more to be added)

Exhibits Linked in Original Complaint.

  1. Last Will and Testament of Gilbert Sandoval >>
    This document is referenced in numerous paragraphs of the complaint.
  2. The Court’s Ruling >>
    A copy of the transcript in Sandoval .v. Sandoval, the Permanent Protection Order Hearing that was filed by Joseph’s Mom. This document is referenced in numerous paragraphs of the complaint.
  3. Blanter Law Firm, LLC >>
    This document contains selected pagers from the billing records in Joseph’s Dad probate case. These pages are also referenced in the Complaint.
  4. El Paso County Real Estate Records Review >>
    This documents is referenced in the complaint.
  5. Order Admitting Will to Formal Probate >>
    These documents relate to the Will, and to the Probate Proceedings.
  6. Town of Castle Rock >>
    This is the case cited in the complaint and also Joseph’s Blog (“To Protect and To Serve…”)

    Additional Exhibits (coming soon).

    • Interview with Mellissa Seale
    • Notice of Appeal State v. LeChiffre
    • Interview with Steve Long #1
    • Andrew Scott Investigative Report
    • Sandoval v. Sandoval Protection Order Transcript
    • Internal Affair (CSPD) Report (Mark Sandoval)
    • Internal AfEairs (CSPD) Report (Mark Sandoval #2)
    • Interview with Dave R. Thomas
    • Sandoval v. Sandoval / Divorce
    • Police Interview with Mark Sandoval #1
    • Police Interview with Steve Long #2
    • Police Interview with Kristina Haney
    • Coroner’s Report – Marcella Sandoval Statement
    • Last will / Gilbert Sandoval
    • 911 Call July 22, 2020
    • CSPD Call Screen #20308858
    • CBI DNA Report
    • Preservation of Evidence Motion and Order
    • Body Camera Footage – Mark Sandoval
    • Detective Garza Police Report 7/22/2020
    • Marcella Sandoval Audio Diary
    • Police Interview with Julie (Lucy) Trimble
    • Search Warrant LeChiffre’s residence
    • Detective Aulio’s Report 2020-000-25345
    • Conservatorship Petition / August, 2020 2020PR30837
    • Blattner Billing Records
    • June, 2013 Power of Attorney – Marcella Sandoval
    • F. Salazar Investigative Report
    • Abstracts of Title / Warranty Deeds
    • Blacks Law Dictionary “Beneficiary Deed”
    • Affidavit of Raymond Valdez
    • Call for Service Address Report
    • Police Interview with Angela Gainer
    • Affidavit of arrest
    • Marcella Sandoval Plea Agreement
    • Statement of Marcella Sandoval pg 0660
    • Interview with Jennifer Martinez #1
    • Interview with Jennifer Martinez #2
    • Warranty Deed Las Vegas New Mexico
    • Warrant Deed / Abstract of Title – Auburn Cir.
    • Bradford Eblen (aka Brad Michael’s) Rap Sheet
    • Petition for Final Settlement G. Sandoval